Buddhism kom först till Nordamerika genom kinesiska immigranter som bosatte i de västra delarna av USA under 1840-talet - men även Nordamerikaner och Européer som besökte Asien återvände hem med Buddhistiska texter. I slutet av 1800-talet - påverkan av Buddistiskt tänkande började dyka upp i litterära arbeten av Walth Whitman, Henry Thoreau och Ralph Waldo Emerson.
'the Universal Being circulate through me; onenss with the eternal being. I am part of particle of God" - Ralph Waldo Emerson - en optimistisk filosof - fadern av Amerikansk individualism.
Vi ska nu följa en Kines vid namn Huan Lei/22 år som anlände till New York under denna tidpunkten - 1840 talet! Dock inte en Buddhist utan en ung man som står för filosofin Daoism - en annan asiatisk världsåskådning! En filosofitradition som format kinesiskt liv i mer än 2, 000 år! Som instruerar folk hur man ska existerar i harmoni med universum.
Under 1800-talet blev New York City USA's största stad och en fascinerande metropolis! En magnetisk och absorberande plats för den unga Kinesen Huan Lei! Närmare bestämt Brooklyn - lite av en stad i sin egen rätt.
1855 - nästan hälften av Brooklyns 200 000 invånare var utländska - hälften var irländare. En andra våg av immigranter började i slutet av 1800-talet. Folk från Ryssland, Italienare och Polacker med en mix av Svenskar, Norrmän, Danska och Finländare fyllde Brooklyn! Den enda utlänningen i Brooklyn vid denna tidpunkt var inte bara den unga Kinesen Huan Lei med andra ord - som är högst entusiastisk över hur hans filosofi Daoism kommer bli mottaget i denna del av New York! Han måste dock bli bättre på engelska!
I slutet av 1800-talet mer än en miljon människor levde i Brooklyn. Detta fick Huan Lei vara åskådare till när han började vandra på Brooklyn Bridge - världens just nu största hängbro som sträcker sig över East River från Manhattan till Brooklyn. Faktum är att 27 personer förlorade livet i byggandet av denna bro. Bron öppnades med ett stort firande - Maj 1883 - en ceremoni med enorm folkmassa. Brooklyn blev inte en del av New York förrän 1898!
Huan Lei blev snabbt förälskad i Brooklyn Bridge - en bro som han vandrade på varje morgon samtidigt som han pluggade engelska - sann Daoism! City of Brooklyn!
När väl Huan Lei började lära sig engelska kunde han förmedla sitt budskap i Brooklyn New York som en slags vandrande poet med okänd visdom! Invånarna i Brooklyn la verkligen märkte till denna kines som kommunicera främmande saker. De många Katolikerna höjde på ögonbrynen! Jodå - Huan Lei försöker bygga upp en ny mytologi; Daoism - förankrad i 'the American City'! “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” - Dao City
Huan Lei hojtade kors och tvärs i Brooklyn;
'the Dao är en spontan process som reglerar alla varelser och manifesteras på alla nivåer - den mänskliga kroppen, i samhället i naturen och i universum som helhet. Vi är många. Vi är ett. Vi är 'ONE' väljandes att bli många. Reflektionen av Dao - choosing to be the many. Vi är alla uppvakna till detta - vi har alltid varit 'awake' - emellan dig och Dao. Hör och häpna; att vara människa är att vara GUD i förklädnad; All-That-Is i form av Dao; infinite wisdom! Alla är DAO. Du är världen - 'We are God learning through being'. Allt är lugnt genom att bara vara - slappna av och njut så ska allt fixa sig. Du själv är den mest kraftfulla kraften i din personliga verklighet. Din frihet att välja din verklighet är din egen - det är det DAO designa verkligheten till att vara. Din egen version av kraften DAO i ditt universum! Yttre rymden 'consciousness unlimited'!

Detta förmedla den unge kinesen Huan Lei ett par år i Brooklyn New York i slutet av 1800-talet innan han återvände till Kina - han fick ihop en ganska så stor skara samling till följare. Alla nyfikna på denna banbrytande filosofi; HOLOSOPHY!

Filled with infinite possibilities and one with the dust, the Tao unites the world into one whole like a deep pool that never dries up.” Lao Tzu 

“All things come out of the one, and the one out of all things.” - Heraclitus 

The universe and I exist together, all things and I are One.” - Chuang Tzu 

Above all, the one important message of Daoism is the oneness and spirituality of the material universe.” -  Lín Yǔtáng 


Heaven is a place on the Brooklyn Bridge. I came, I saw and I fall in love with Brooklyn Bridge"


In the sprawling epic of Star Wars, the wisdom of Grand Master Yoda stands as a beacon of enlightenment, guiding characters and audiences alike through a universe rife with conflict, temptation, and the eternal struggle between darkness and light. Yoda's teachings, deeply imbued with themes of growth, redemption, and the pursuit of knowledge, resonate with the ancient spiritual tradition of Gnosticism. This article explores how Yoda's guidance mirrors Gnostic wisdom, emphasizing the journey from darkness to light as a path to true understanding and liberation. Gnosticism is a philosophical and religious movement that emphasizes direct personal knowledge (gnosis) of the divine as the path to salvation. It portrays the material world as a creation of a lesser deity, a realm of illusion and ignorance from which souls must awaken and ascend to reunite with the divine source. Central to Gnostic thought is the journey of the soul from the darkness of ignorance to the light of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. Yoda, with his deep connection to the Force and centuries of wisdom, embodies the qualities of a Gnostic sage. His teachings often focus on the importance of inner knowledge, self-reflection, and the transcendence of fear and desire—elements that echo the Gnostic path of spiritual awakening. 
Yoda's admonition to Luke Skywalker in "The Empire Strikes Back" to "unlearn what you have learned" can be seen as a call to transcend the illusions of the material world. Like the Gnostic view of the physical realm as a place of deception, Yoda encourages a detachment from preconceived notions and material attachments, guiding his pupils towards a deeper, more spiritual understanding of existence. The Gnostic narrative of the soul's ascent from darkness to light is mirrored in Yoda's teachings about the Force. He speaks of the dark side as quick and easy, a path that leads away from true knowledge and enlightenment. Yoda's emphasis on patience, discipline, and self-mastery reflects the Gnostic emphasis on the inner work necessary to achieve spiritual awakening and liberation from the material world's confines. 
For Yoda, knowledge of the Force is not merely intellectual but experiential and transformative. It is through direct experience and understanding of the Force that one can achieve true freedom and enlightenment. This mirrors the Gnostic belief in gnosis as the ultimate means of salvation—a direct, experiential knowledge of the divine that frees the soul from the material world's illusions. Yoda's role in the Star Wars saga transcends that of a mere mentor in the ways of the Force. His teachings offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of existence, from the allure of the dark side to the pursuit of enlightenment. In many ways, Yoda serves as a Gnostic guide, leading characters and viewers from the darkness of ignorance and fear to the light of understanding and liberation.
"From Darkness to Light: Gnostic Wisdom in Yoda's Teachings" highlights the profound spiritual undercurrents of the Star Wars universe, inviting us to see Yoda not just as a master of the Force, but as a sage whose wisdom echoes the ancient quest for knowledge, enlightenment, and the ultimate liberation of the soul. Through the lens of Gnosticism, Yoda's teachings become a beacon of hope and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of gnosis can guide us back to the divine. 

The introduction of midi-chlorians in the Star Wars universe was met with mixed reactions from fans and scholars alike. These microscopic entities, residing within the cells of all living beings and facilitating their connection to the Force, introduced a biological explanation for what had previously been a mystical phenomenon. However, a closer examination reveals that midi-chlorians resonate deeply with ancient spiritual traditions, particularly Gnosticism. This article explores the intriguing parallels between midi-chlorians and Gnostic concepts, suggesting that George Lucas's space opera is more deeply rooted in ancient wisdom than one might initially think. Midi-chlorians serve as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, offering a tangible connection to the ethereal Force. This duality mirrors the Gnostic view of existence, where the material world is seen as separate from the divine realm, yet interconnected through sparks of divine light trapped within physical matter. Midi-chlorians, much like these divine sparks, enable individuals to tap into a higher reality, suggesting that the physical body can be a vessel for transcendent knowledge and power. 
Central to Gnostic belief is the concept of the divine spark, a fragment of the divine essence trapped within the material world. This spark, present within each individual, is the key to achieving gnosis—direct knowledge of the divine. Midi-chlorians echo this concept, as they are inherent to all living beings and represent the potential for connection with the Force, a stand-in for the divine. The quest for knowledge and understanding of the Force mirrors the Gnostic journey of awakening the divine spark within, striving to transcend the physical and reunite with the spiritual. Both Gnosticism and the Star Wars saga place a heavy emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge as the path to enlightenment. For the Gnostics, this knowledge is the understanding of the divine spark within and the realization of one's true nature. In Star Wars, knowledge of the Force, facilitated by midi-chlorians, empowers individuals to perform acts of great power and wisdom. This pursuit is not without its dangers, as it requires navigating the dual aspects of the Force, akin to the Gnostic path of navigating the illusions of the material world to uncover spiritual truth. The Gnostic influence on Star Wars extends to the saga's central theme of balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. This reflects the Gnostic belief in the need to understand and integrate the dualities of existence to achieve spiritual wholeness. Midi-chlorians, by their very nature, embody this balance, existing within beings who can choose the path of light or darkness, echoing the Gnostic theme of free will and the moral complexities of the spiritual journey. The concept of midi-chlorians in Star Wars, far from being a mere scientific explanation for the Force, is deeply imbued with ancient Gnostic themes. It reflects a sophisticated understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, the pursuit of knowledge, and the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. "Echoes of Ancient Wisdom: The Gnostic Roots of Midi-chlorians" reveals that Star Wars, through its rich tapestry of characters, themes, and lore, serves as a modern mythology that continues to explore and celebrate the timeless quest for understanding the mysteries of life and the universe. In doing so, it taps into the profound well of ancient wisdom, reminding us that the quest for knowledge and the struggle for balance are as relevant today as they were in the times of the Gnostics. 
