
There is one thing that's certain: Mathy Tegedao, the author of these words, has an unwavering love for train travel. As he journeys from Lund to Malmö, he often gazes out of the train window, letting his imagination run wild. In his mind's eye, he sees dinosaurs roaming through lush landscapes like in Jurassic Park, or finds himself aboard a train traversing the vast, untamed wilderness of Siberia—the longest railway journey in the world. Other times, he envisions stepping into the world of the video game Grim Fandango, aboard the Number Nine train that ferries souls to the Ninth Underworld, the Land of Eternal Rest, in just four minutes. To Mathy, it’s the Train of Destiny.

But there’s another dream that captivates him: the luxury train to Machu Picchu, a voyage through the Peruvian highlands. This train, named after Hiram Bingham, the American explorer who rediscovered Machu Picchu, represents the ultimate in opulent travel. With two exquisite restaurants offering first-class cuisine, this magical journey is something Mathy yearns to experience. However, financial constraints stand in his way. Rumor has it that he struggles with mental health issues, and his disability allowance barely covers his basic needs, let alone a ticket aboard the Hiram Bingham.

Yet, Mathy holds an ace up his sleeve. Each month, he sets aside a small amount from his allowance, saving enough for a trip to Norway’s Flåm Railway—one of the most scenic train journeys in the world, attracting travelers from across the globe. This 20-kilometer route takes passengers from towering mountains down to the fjord, through a breathtaking landscape of snow-capped peaks and majestic waterfalls. It’s the grand spectacle of Fjord Norway!

With excitement bubbling inside him, Mathy flew to Bergen from Copenhagen Airport, eagerly anticipating the thrilling train ride from Bergen to Flåm. To Mathy, train travel is a magical and romantic way to see the world—a fluid journey where one is constantly moving, yet entirely free to observe the world outside the window. On the flight, he watched Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited, a film set on a train in India, further stoking his passion for the rails.

Finally, he arrived at the Aurlandsfjord, where the Flåm Railway begins its ascent. This route, leading high into the mountains to Myrdal Station, offers the finest scenery in Western Norway. Mathy was ecstatic, understanding now why this railway is regarded as one of the most beautiful train journeys in the world. The train moved at a perfect pace, steadily climbing one of the steepest rail tracks in existence.

In America, railways have been a part of life since the first European settlers, with Americans using railroads since the 1820s. Back then, people feared that the speed of trains might make passengers unable to breathe or render them unconscious from the vibrations!

For Mathy, train travel has also offered a kind of spiritual peace—a respite from the mental health struggles that have plagued him. His outlook on life has shifted from the negative to the positive. He has learned that magic can unfold when one adopts a more positive focus. Pain, he realized, is not something you must live with—unless you choose to. In time, you will confront and face all the pain within you. Transforming that pain requires feeling it deeply, and it is unconditional love that can open you up to this transformation. Pain is simply the repression of the love you are. By allowing yourself to feel your pain, you will ultimately come to know yourself as universal love. The universe supports you in this process!

Mathy Tegedao has indeed known pain in his life, but he has risen above it to reach spiritual heights—much of which he credits to his passion for train travel. His journey on the Flåm Railway in Norway exceeded all expectations. Back in Lund, he began to dream of his next train adventure, still sustained by his disability allowance due to his mental illness.

The ultimate goal remained: to one day board the Hiram Bingham train, savoring a Peruvian Pisco Sour as he embarks on that luxurious journey through the Andes to Machu Picchu. But would his allowance be enough for this trip? Not quite. So, Mathy decided to enter a short story competition, with a prize of 35,000 SEK. Perhaps this would be the ticket to fulfilling his dream.


The Journey of a Lifetime

Mathy Tegedao had always been a dreamer. His love for trains wasn’t just a hobby; it was an obsession, a passion that carried him through the toughest times. While others sought comfort in routine, Mathy found solace in the rhythmic clatter of train wheels on steel tracks, the landscapes that unfolded like stories outside the window, and the feeling of movement towards some distant, magical destination. Yet, amid all the dreams he had while staring out of countless train windows, one stood above all others—the Hiram Bingham train, the luxury train that wound its way through the Peruvian Andes to Machu Picchu.

For years, this dream seemed as unreachable as the ancient city itself. Mathy’s modest income, supplemented by a disability allowance due to his ongoing struggles with mental health, barely covered his day-to-day needs, let alone the cost of such an extravagant journey. But Mathy was nothing if not persistent. He began entering short story competitions, pouring his heart and soul into each entry, hoping that his words might win him the chance to turn his dream into reality.

And then, one crisp autumn morning, Mathy received a letter that would change everything. His latest short story, a tale of a lonely man who found peace and connection through train travel, had won first prize in a prestigious literary competition. The prize money—35,000 SEK—was more than enough to secure a ticket aboard the Hiram Bingham.

Mathy could hardly believe it. The moment he had been waiting for was finally here. He immediately booked his ticket and began preparing for the journey of a lifetime.

The Voyage Begins 

The day arrived, and Mathy found himself boarding a flight from Copenhagen to Lima, Peru. The anticipation was electric. Every moment of the journey felt surreal, as though he were drifting through a dream. In Lima, he spent a few days soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of the city, visiting historical sites, and mentally preparing for what lay ahead. But his heart yearned for the mountains, for the sacred valleys that held secrets of ancient civilizations.

Soon, Mathy was on another flight, this time to Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire and the gateway to Machu Picchu. The city’s high altitude and rich history took his breath away—quite literally. After acclimatizing and exploring Cusco’s narrow, cobblestone streets, Mathy finally made his way to the Poroy Station, just outside the city, where the Hiram Bingham train awaited him.

The train was a vision of elegance and history, its blue and gold carriages gleaming in the morning sun. As Mathy stepped aboard, he was greeted by a crew dressed in traditional Peruvian attire, their warm smiles making him feel instantly at home. He was shown to his seat in the dining car, where plush velvet seats and large windows invited him to relax and enjoy the scenery.

As the train pulled out of the station, Mathy felt a thrill run through him. This was it—the journey he had dreamed of for so long. The Hiram Bingham train began its ascent into the Andes, and the landscape outside transformed into a tapestry of green valleys, terraced hillsides, and snow-capped peaks.

Mathy ordered a glass of Peruvian red wine, savoring the rich, earthy flavors as he watched the scenery pass by. He was struck by how the train seemed to move in harmony with the land, as though it were part of the natural rhythm of the mountains. The gentle sway of the carriage, the soft clinking of glasses, and the distant hum of conversation created a soothing symphony that lulled Mathy into a state of contentment.

Spiritual Encounters

As the train journeyed deeper into the Andes, Mathy found himself drifting into a meditative state. The combination of the wine, the breathtaking views, and the sheer magic of the experience seemed to open his mind to something beyond the physical world. He felt a deep connection to the land, as though the ancient spirits of the Andes were whispering to him through the wind.

At one point, as the train passed through a particularly remote stretch of the Sacred Valley, Mathy closed his eyes and felt a presence beside him. Opening his eyes, he saw an elderly man with a long, silver beard and kind, wise eyes. The man’s clothes were simple, yet his aura was one of profound peace and wisdom.

“Who are you?” Mathy asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

“I am Ayar Manco,” the man replied, his voice deep and resonant. “I was once a guardian of these lands, a guide for those who sought the truth within these mountains.”

Mathy was stunned. “Are you… real?”

The old man chuckled softly. “I am as real as you need me to be. This place, this journey, it opens the heart and mind to possibilities beyond the ordinary. The Andes are a bridge between the earth and the heavens, a place where the past, present, and future converge.”

Mathy nodded, feeling an overwhelming sense of peace. “I’ve always felt there was more to this world than what we see.”

“You are correct,” Ayar Manco said. “And this journey is part of your awakening. The Hiram Bingham is not just a train; it is a vessel of transformation. As you travel through these sacred mountains, you are also journeying inward, toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe.”

The old man’s words resonated with Mathy, and as he continued to gaze out the window, he felt a profound shift within him. The mountains were no longer just beautiful landscapes; they were ancient sentinels, keepers of wisdom and secrets long forgotten.

The Sacred Valley

As the day wore on, the train reached a section of the Sacred Valley that was particularly striking. The river below sparkled in the sunlight, and the steep cliffs were dotted with terraces that had been carved into the mountainside by the Incas centuries ago. The air was crisp and cool, filled with the scent of wildflowers and the distant sound of waterfalls.

Mathy took another sip of his wine, feeling completely at peace. The gentle motion of the train and the spectacular views had lulled him into a state of bliss. It was as though he had become one with the landscape, his soul merging with the ancient energy of the Andes.

At one point, the train passed by a small village, where local children waved excitedly as the luxurious carriages rolled by. Mathy waved back, feeling a deep connection to the people who lived in these remote and beautiful lands. The simplicity of their lives, so in tune with nature, contrasted sharply with the opulence of the train, yet Mathy felt that both worlds held their own kind of magic.

As the train began its final approach to Machu Picchu, Mathy felt a stirring in his heart. He knew that this was more than just a physical journey; it was a spiritual pilgrimage. He had been drawn to this place for a reason, and he was eager to discover what it was.

Arrival at Machu Picchu

The train finally pulled into Aguas Calientes, the gateway to Machu Picchu. From here, Mathy would take a bus up the winding road to the ancient citadel. As he stepped off the train, he felt a mixture of excitement and reverence. He was about to set foot in one of the most mystical places on earth, a place that had called to him for so long.

The bus ride up the mountain was thrilling, the road zigzagging up the steep slopes, offering glimpses of the lush valley below. When Mathy finally reached the entrance to Machu Picchu, he paused for a moment, taking in the enormity of the moment. He had made it. The dream he had nurtured for so many years was now a reality.

As he walked through the ancient stone gate and into the citadel, Mathy felt as though he were stepping into another world. The ruins were more breathtaking than he had ever imagined, the stone structures blending seamlessly with the natural landscape. The air was filled with a sense of timelessness, as though the spirits of the Inca still lingered in the shadows of the stone walls.

Mathy wandered through the ruins, marveling at the intricate stonework, the terraces that clung to the mountainside, and the sheer majesty of the site. Every step he took felt sacred, each moment a communion with the past.

Eventually, Mathy made his way to the Temple of the Sun, one of the most important structures in Machu Picchu. Here, he sat down on a stone ledge, gazing out over the ruins and the mountains beyond. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

As he sat there, a profound sense of peace washed over him. All the struggles, all the challenges he had faced, seemed to melt away. In their place was a deep understanding that this moment—this journey—was exactly where he was meant to be.

The words of Ayar Manco echoed in his mind: “The Hiram Bingham is not just a train; it is a vessel of transformation.” And indeed, Mathy felt transformed. The journey had been more than just a physical one; it had been a journey of the soul, a pilgrimage to the heart of something much larger than himself.


Mathy Tegedao’s journey to Machu Picchu aboard the Hiram Bingham was everything he had dreamed it would be, and more. It was a journey that had taken him not just across continents, but into the depths of his own spirit. The landscapes he had seen, the people he had met, and the spiritual insights he had gained were treasures that he would carry with him for the rest of his life.

As he sat on the return train to Cusco, sipping his final glass of Peruvian red wine, Mathy knew that this journey was not an end, but a beginning. The mountains, the valleys, the ancient stones—they had awakened something within him, something that would continue to grow and guide him on his path.

He had fulfilled his ultimate dream, and in doing so, had discovered something even more precious: the understanding that the journey is as important as the destination, and that the spirit, when given the freedom to explore, can find profound joy and peace in the most unexpected places.

And so, as the train wound its way back through the Sacred Valley, Mathy Tegedao closed his eyes, a smile on his lips, and whispered to himself, “The journey continues…”


Mathy Tegedao’s journey was more than a physical trek through the Andes; it was a spiritual experience that mirrored the essence of holographic reality(HOLOSOPHY). Each landscape he passed, each encounter he had, reflected a deeper truth within himself—revealing that the external world is but a projection of the inner self. The ancient mountains, the sacred valleys, and even the luxurious train were all interconnected fragments of a larger, unified consciousness. In realizing that his dream was a manifestation of his inner world, Mathy understood that life itself is a hologram(HOLOSOPHY), where every part contains the whole, and the journey within is as infinite and expansive as the universe itself.