The 'Dark Night of The Soul' är en term som funnits länge. En term använd till att beskriva vad som man kan kalla en kollaps av upplevd mening i livet - ett utbrott in i ditt liv av djup känsla av meningslöshet. Väldigt nära till det man sedvanligt kallar depression. Ingenting känns meningsfullt längre - det finns inget syfte till någonting. Dem som upplever 'the Dark Night of The Soul' känner sig vilsna, hopplösa och konsumerad av melankoli. Ett ökande av oro och förtvivlan. Den ultimata skillnaden emellan vanlig depression och 'the Dark Night of The Soul' - är att vanlig depression vanligtvis psykologisk/neurologisk /biologisk - medan 'the Dark Nights' depression är filosofisk i naturen och är ackompanjerad av existentiella reflektioner som; Varför är jag här? Vad är mitt syfte? Vad är poängen med att leva? Att själv svara på dessa frågor när man känner stor inre tomhet är inte det lättaste. Varje väg till att försöka lösa det känns meningslös och kollapsar återigen i bedrövelse och förtvivlan. Lättare blir det inte heller när man inser att ingen kan rädda oss än oss själva; högst subjektivt. Vilket kan öka ännu mer känsla av ensamhet, frustration och förvirring om världen och oss själva.
Är lösningen att bli spirituell och hitta någon 'sanning' som leder till healing? Något som jag som skriver detta Mathias 'Tegedao' Tegedal gått igenom; en absolut sanning fungerar inte på samma vis som vår inre upplevelse av sanning. Din spirituella resa är unik och personlig - alla skapar vår egna spirituella upplevelse av sanning. Ingen enskild religion eller 'spirituell teacher' kan berätta för dig om den hela sanningen - på grund av att våra vägar genom livet är unika - måste du på något vis utveckla och personifiera det för dig själv. Om spirituell sanning inte är absolut - vad är det då? Jodå, det är ett yttrande av LOVE i det närvarande ögonblicket. Lycka är redan här - just nu - i denna stund. Utan att behöva göra något eller att ifrågasätta något. Lycka är!
Att realisera 'the love that you are' i ditt 'conscious awareness'. Upplevelsen av sanningen du söker är upplevelsen av din egna healing genom tillåtandet av positiv känsla. Din egna personliga healing. När 'sanning' är sedd till att bli upplevelsen av din egna healing - är det tydligt varför det genererar en sådan vacker känsla inombords. Du är inte en sanningssökare på ett 'quest' för att avslöja naturen av verkligheten. Du är här för att skapa naturen naturen av din verklighet genom realiserande av din personliga sanning; the LOVE that you are. Allt som du kallar 'spirituellt' eller 'divine' är 'the LOVE' som du är - din personliga 'bliss' kallandes till dig. Sanningen du söker är dig själv. Guden du söker att veta är du. Det är kallelsen av ditt infinite-self till dig - för att bli unifierad - över att bli 'whole'!
Detta är en process över att bryta ner allt som du trodde skulle ge dig lycka! Dark Night of The Soul är lite som en initiation - tagandes dig från en fas av livet till en annan; Varför har jag skapat lidande i mitt liv? En 'sann' Dark Night of the Soul lämnar en varaktig inverkan på dig - det förändrar dig helt och hålletIstället för att se det som ett misstag - stärker du dig själv till att inte längre spelar rollen som offer i relationen till dina sår som lett dig till en 'Dark Night of The Soul'- Det kan ta tid men är sann Holosophy Work! Holosophy Healing that transcends all understanding!


The Dark Night of the Soul: Navigating the Nigredo of Creative HOLOSOPHY Depression:

In the shadowy recesses of the human psyche, where creativity intertwines with the deepest fears and doubts, lies a transformative process akin to the alchemical stage of Nigredo. This process, often referred to as the "dark night of the soul," serves as a critical juncture in the journey toward self-discovery and mental health. Drawing inspiration from Carl Jung's exploration in The Red Book, this article delves into the significance of confronting one's shadow within the context of creative depression and mythological descent into the underworld, highlighting the pathway to the philosopher's stone—the symbol of ultimate transformation and enlightenment. 
Alchemists of old pursued the philosopher's stone, a legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base metals into gold and granting eternal life. The initial phase of this quest was marked by Nigredo, a stage of decomposition where all substances were broken down to their primal matter. Symbolically, Nigredo represents a period of darkness, confusion, and disintegration of the self, mirroring the psychological turmoil one might experience during a profound creative depression. 
In the context of personal growth and individuation—a term Carl Jung coined to describe the process of becoming aware of oneself, one's unique psychological makeup, and the realization of the self—Nigredo plays a pivotal role. It is in this dark night of the soul that individuals confront their shadow, the unacknowledged and often rejected aspects of the self, leading to a profound internal conflict but also laying the groundwork for significant personal transformation. 
Creative individuals often encounter periods of deep introspection and existential questioning, which can manifest as depression. This state, while debilitating, can also be seen as a necessary descent into the underworld, akin to the mythological journeys of heroes who venture into darkness to emerge with newfound wisdom and strength. In this darkness, the creative mind grapples with its limitations, fears, and the raw material of its unconscious depths, engaging in a process of self-alchemy where the leaden weight of despair can be transmuted into the gold of insight and creativity. 
Jung's own journey, as documented in The Red Book, exemplifies this descent. His confrontation with the shadow and the resulting dialogues with the aspects of his unconscious were akin to the alchemical process of transformation. Through this confrontation, Jung not only navigated his personal dark night but also emerged with the foundational insights that would underpin analytical psychology, demonstrating the healing and transformative potential of facing one's inner darkness. 
The integration of the shadow, according to Jung, is a crucial step in the process of individuation. By acknowledging and engaging with those parts of ourselves we have rejected or ignored, we initiate a healing process that can lead to a more profound and holistic(HOLOSOPHY) understanding of our psyche. This process, while inherently challenging, holds the promise of leading to better mental health, greater creativity, and a more authentic sense of self. 
The dark night of the soul, with its trials and tribulations, thus becomes not merely a period of suffering but a crucible for transformation. It is through this alchemical Nigredo that one can find the pathway to the philosopher's stone within, symbolizing the attainment of inner wholeness and the realization of one's true potential. 
The journey through the dark night of the soul, marked by the confrontation with the shadow and the ensuing creative depression, embodies the alchemical process of Nigredo. This challenging phase, while fraught with difficulty, holds the key to profound personal growth and transformation. As individuals navigate this dark terrain, they pave the way for the emergence of light from darkness, leading to the healing of the soul and the attainment of a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the self. In embracing the shadow, we uncover the luminous core of our being, discovering the true alchemy of the human spirit. TRUE HOLOSOPHY!

(the english in this text is generated by Chat GPT)

The Divine Within - SELF LOVE
At the core of many spiritual beliefs is the idea that the divine is not separate from us but is intricately woven into the fabric of our being. To love oneself, then, is to acknowledge and honor the divine presence within. This internal divinity is the spark of life, the breath of the cosmos that animates our existence. By nurturing self-love, we are not just caring for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being; we are honoring the sacred essence that resides within us, recognizing our inherent worth and divine nature.
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where stars are born and galaxies dance in the silent ballet of the universe, there lies a journey of profound discovery not outward into the void, but inward, into the very essence of our being. This journey of self-love is not merely a personal quest but a cosmic expedition, reflecting the universe's intrinsic principles of harmony, balance, and interconnectedness. By embarking on this journey, we begin to understand self-love as the universe's highest teaching, a pathway to embracing our true essence and unlocking the boundless potential within. The universe operates on a principle of harmony, where every element, from the smallest particle to the vastest galaxy, plays a part in the orchestration of existence. Similarly, self-love teaches us to recognize and appreciate the harmony within ourselves, understanding that our strengths and weaknesses, our light and shadow, are all essential components of our wholeness. By embracing every part of ourselves with compassion and kindness, we align with the cosmic rhythm, finding peace and equilibrium in our lives. 
Just as the planets balance their journey through space, guided by the forces of gravity and motion, so too must we find balance within ourselves. The journey of self-love is one of balancing our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. It encourages us to nurture our bodies, respect our emotions, stimulate our minds, and feed our spirits, creating a holistic sense of well-being that resonates with the balanced nature of the universe. At the heart of the cosmos is a web of interconnectedness, a divine matrix that links every atom, thought, and life form in an intricate network of existence. In recognizing this interconnectedness within ourselves and with the universe, self-love becomes an act of profound connection. It teaches us that loving ourselves is intrinsically linked to loving others and the world around us. By cultivating self-love, we send ripples of positivity and love through the fabric of the cosmos, affecting change and inspiring love beyond our immediate perception. 
The journey of self-love invites us to explore the universe within, a vast inner landscape as rich and complex as the cosmos itself. This exploration requires courage and honesty, as we confront our fears, challenge our limiting beliefs, and celebrate our unique qualities. Through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, we deepen our connection to our inner selves, discovering the infinite love and wisdom that resides within. As we embark on this cosmic journey of self-love, we undergo a profound transformation. We begin to see ourselves and the world with new eyes, recognizing the beauty and potential that lie within. This transformation is not confined to our personal sphere but extends outward, influencing our relationships, our communities, and the very fabric of reality. By loving ourselves, we become agents of change, embodying the love and harmony that the universe teaches. The journey of self-love is a cosmic expedition, inviting us to discover the universe within and embrace the principles of harmony, balance, and interconnectedness that govern the cosmos. As we navigate this journey, we learn that self-love is not just an act of personal kindness but a profound spiritual practice, connecting us to the infinite love and wisdom of the universe. In embracing self-love, we unlock the doors to our true potential, becoming co-creators of our destiny and the destiny of the cosmos. The Transformative Power of Self-Love AFTER A DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL!

"When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed" - Joseph Campbell 
“The dark sky helps to see the stars... The dark night of the soul helps us to see the light within.”  - Bert McCoy 
the dark night of the soul and self-love imagethe dark night of the soul and self-love imagethe dark night of the soul and self-love image