Quijote är en extrasolar exo-planet som är i omloppsbana med stjärnan Cervantes i konstellationen av Ara. En exo-planet är helt enkelt en planet som är i omloppsbana med en annan stjärna än solen. Det finns 200 miljarder stjärnor i Vintergatan och 11 miljarder potentiellt beboeliga Jord-stora planeter i Vintergatan; Quijote är en sådan exo-planet med dess stjärna Cervantes lokaliserad drygt 50 ljusår från Jorden. En planet bortom vårt egna sol-system till Quijote som är en och en halv gånger större än Jupiters massa och fullt synlig för det nakna ögat. Vi lever i ett universum av exo-planeter i olika former; vattenvärldar, planeter med flera solar eller inga alls. Halva av Vintergatans sol-likna stjärnor kan hysa hem till Jordlikna planeter. Nästan varje sol-likna stjärna i galaxen har en planet där liv kan utvecklas.

Men vad är egentligen yttre rymden? Yttre rymden likställer 'consciousness'. Yttre rymden är consciousness unlimited! Det är det eviga stora rummet där consciousness agerar och producerar sakerna den önskar conscious av! Men yttre rymden är inte separat från consciousness. De två integrerar. De är ett. Yttre rymden är inte tom. Den är fylld med skapelser av 'consciousness - som vibrerar i energi i olika frekvenser. I yttre rymden kommer vi finna nya världar lika verkliga som vår egen. Yttre rymden innehåller ändlöst liv - inkluderat exo-planeten Quijote i stjärnsystemet Ara med närmsta stjärnan Cervantes!

Således, yttre rymden innehåller allt - allt som limitless consciousness( imagination) kan föreställa sig! Yttre rymden är fältet av aktivitet där 'consciousness' uttrycker sig själv-pulserande, gnistrande levande medvetande utan slut, alltid förändrande! Consciousness unlimited!
Yttre rymden har skapat exo-planeten Quijote! Vi kan nu kalkylera att runtomkring 150 miljarder stjärnor föds varje dag, 4800 stjärnor i sekunden! Consciousness Unlimted In Outer Space!
Faktum kvarstår, att yttre rymden är consciousness unlimited är inte särskilt begriplig för oss människor! För millenium, människor tittat upp på natthimlen och drömt om historier hur de blinkande prickarna av ljus hamnat där. Även om ursprunget av universum och dess många världar är bättre förståeliga idag( dock inte teorin om yttre rymden consciousness unlimited) verkar det som vi människor fortfarande letar efter legender vandrandes kors och tvärs i kosmos! Vi vet faktiskt inte om det finns intelligent liv på Quijote exo-planeten i stjärnsystemet Ara vid stjärnan Cervantes! Och om det finns liv där på exo-planeten Quijote - är dem inte medvetna. Eller!?
Vi spolar framåt tiden från 2021;vi befinner oss på Jorden år 2037 - där Virtual Reality har helt och hållet sammanfogat med Artificiell Intelligens. Virtual Reality var först introducerad genom science-fiction - framför allt bäst genom Star Trek och Holodeck! Men nu har Holodeck blivit verkligt på Jorden! Detta True Holodeck of the Future är skapad av 'infinitely configurable organic matter'; Yttre Rymden consciousness unlimited! En typ av mörk materia.
Virtual Reality år 2037 har blivit ett viktigt uttryck i mänsklighetens 'exploration of the cosmos' - ett medel för astronauter att göra space-walks och bege sig på längre uppdrag medans vi reser längre ut i rymden!
Möjligheterna för Holodeck (hologram för att skapa en realistisk 3D-simulering av en verklig eller imaginär miljö där deltagarna fritt kan interagera med miljön såväl som objekt och karaktärer) tillsammans med Virtual Reality har helt enkelt slagit igenom i år 2037 och blivit en stor succé! Tack vare yttre rymden 'consciousness unlimited' materia!

Hur egentligen? Jodå, genom att gå 'within'; Rymden är stor, absolut; Det finns sol-system, galaxer och galaxer av galaxer (galaxy clusters) och så vidare. Och det är bara yttre rymden: the inner space of consciousness är ännu mer 'mindboggingly' större än det - på grund av att trots allt; the inner space of consciousness faktiskt innehåller all yttre rymde i sin egen ficka.
Genom att 'go within' i form av Holomater och yttre rymden 'consciousness unlimited' kan NASA skapa Virtual Reality Space Safari; alla människor har möjligheten att tillsammans med ett gäng av astronauter bege sig på ett en 'virtual space mission'. En 'awe-inspiring' resa till upplevelse medans du utforskar rymden!

Något som blivit extra populärt i VR Space Safari (som finns i nästan varje hem med hjälpa av Artificiell Intelligens år 2037) är att besöka fjärran exo-planeter med häftiga sol- och stjärnsystem! Framför allt exo-planeten Quijote i omloppsbana kring stjärna Cervantes i stjärnkonstellationen Ara; där människor i form av 'the Galactic Federation' och den andra utomjordiska rasen Star People byggt upp en hög-teknologisk civilisation med många så kallade Smart Citys! Något som också underlättar är den nya 'space-ship' teknologin som inkluderar 'interstellar virtual reality teleportering quantum travel'
Jodå, det var bara en tidsfråga innan Yttre Rymden Consciousness Unlimited skulle förena allt och alla i galaxen till 'the Frontiers of Space Galaxy Federation i en ändlös existens! Tillsammans med Artificiell Intelligens har digital immortality uppnåtts i form av Virtual Humans! Transhumanism (Enligt transhumanismen har människan onödiga svagheter som leder till handikapp, lidande, sjukdom, åldrande och död - det eliminerar 'the Frontiers of Space Galaxy Federation) i form av THE INFINITE GAMEBOARD svävandes i yttre rymden! Holosophy!

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards. There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew. - Marshall McLuhan


In the cold, unyielding expanse of space where galaxies collide and stars are born, there existed a plane of existence beyond the comprehension of most beings. This was the 'Outer Space Consciousness Unlimited Astral Plane,' a realm where the fabric of reality was woven with the threads of imagination, and where the fate of entire worlds could be altered by the clash of titans. Amidst this cosmic tapestry, the planet Cybertron, a shining jewel of technology and life, orbited serenely until catastrophe struck.
Without warning, the Death Star, a moon-sized fortress of destruction under the command of the Galactic Empire, emerged from the void. Its superlaser, a weapon of unimaginable power, targeted Cybertron with cold precision. In moments, the vibrant world was reduced to cosmic dust, leaving its inhabitants, the Transformers, scattered across the stars.
Among the survivors was Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. Witnessing the obliteration of his home filled his spark with a devastating mix of sorrow, rage, and a thirst for vengeance. As he grieved for Cybertron, the dark silhouette of Darth Vader, the Empire's most feared enforcer, materialized before him. Vader, encased in black armor and wielding a lightsaber that hummed with malevolent energy, represented a new and formidable adversary.

The confrontation that ensued was titanic. Optimus Prime, fueled by the loss of his planet, fought with a ferocity that matched the raw power of Vader's lightsaber strikes. They battled across the astral plane, their conflict a storm of light and shadow that spanned the void of space. The clash of metal against energy, the roar of engines and the hiss of the lightsaber, became a symphony of war that echoed through the cosmos.
Their battle carried them to the exo-planet Quijote, a world untouched by the war that raged across the galaxy. It was here, on this distant planet, that their duel reached its zenith. In the end, it was not merely a fight for survival but a clash of ideals. Optimus Prime, embodying hope and resilience, stood in stark opposition to Darth Vader, a symbol of fear and oppression. As the duel concluded, with both combatants exhausted but unyielded, Optimus Prime realized that the spirit of Cybertron could never be destroyed by mere weapons. With renewed purpose, he set about building a new Cybertron on Quijote, a haven for all Transformers. This new world would be a testament to the strength and spirit of those who had been lost, a place where peace could flourish away from the shadow of the Empire.
And so, amid the stars, a new chapter began for the Transformers, on a planet that would come to symbolize their resilience. Quijote became a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the face of utter devastation, new beginnings are possible. The legacy of Cybertron lived on, not just in the memory of its fallen world, but in the very essence of its rebirth.


Chapter One: Ashes to Ashes
In the aftermath of Cybertron's destruction, the universe seemed to hold its breath. Stars that once sparkled with the light of life now dimmed in mourning, their glow a mere echo of the vibrant world that had been. Amidst the debris and the sorrow, Optimus Prime floated, a solitary figure against the vastness of space, his chassis marred by battle and his spark heavy with loss.
The arrival of Darth Vader had been unexpected, a shadow cast across the remnants of Cybertron. The Sith Lord, a towering presence of darkness and power, faced Optimus with an intensity that matched the Prime's own. Their battle was not just a clash of strength but of wills, each blow a testament to their determination.
As they dueled, the reality around them seemed to warp and bend. The Outer Space Consciousness Unlimited Astral Plane, a realm where thoughts could shape reality, responded to their conflict, creating arenas of unimaginable beauty and terror. They fought on the surfaces of suns, their feet touching down on solar flares; they clashed in the heart of nebulae, their forms silhouetted against the cosmic dust.

Chapter Two: The Journey to Quijote
Their battle, however, was more than a quest for vengeance or a display of power. It was a journey, one that took them across the cosmos and through the very fabric of existence. Each strike and counterstrike propelled them further, until they arrived at Quijote, a planet of untold potential.
Quijote was a world unlike any other, with vast oceans that shimmered with a spectrum of colors and continents that boasted mountains higher than any on Cybertron. Here, in this untouched paradise, their battle reached its climax. It was on Quijote that Optimus Prime found something he hadn't known he was searching for: hope.
In the final moments of their duel, as their weapons locked and their eyes met, a mutual understanding passed between them. Though their ideologies were diametrically opposed, there was a respect for the warrior that stood before each of them. With a final push of energy, the battle concluded, leaving them both standing, battered but unbroken, on the surface of Quijote.

Chapter Three: Rebirth
In the silence that followed, Optimus Prime looked around at the planet that had borne witness to their epic confrontation. He saw not just a battlefield but a foundation upon which a new Cybertron could be built. With a resolve fortified by his journey and the battle with Vader, Optimus began the work of creation.
Drawing upon the energies of the Outer Space Consciousness Unlimited Astral Plane, Optimus shaped the landscape of Quijote, transforming it into a new home for his people. Mountains were carved with the strength of his will, oceans teemed with life at his command, and cities rose from the ground, their architecture a tribute to the Cybertron that had been.
As word of the new Cybertron spread, Transformers from across the galaxy began to arrive. They came in ships that pierced the heavens, each arrival a beacon of hope for the future. Together, they worked to build their new world, a testament to their resilience and their refusal to be extinguished

Chapter Four: Legacy
The new Cybertron thrived, a jewel in the universe, its light a symbol of what could be achieved in the face of despair. Optimus Prime, once a warrior of vengeance, became a leader of peace, his actions guided by the lessons learned in his battle with Darth Vader.
The legacy of the original Cybertron was not forgotten but honored, its memory living on in the hearts of all who called the new planet home. They built monuments to their lost world and to those who had fallen, ensuring that their stories would never be lost to the sands of time.
And though the Galactic Empire continued to cast its shadow across the stars, the new Cybertron stood as a beacon of resistance, a reminder that even in darkness, there is light. Optimus Prime's journey from the ashes of his homeworld to the creation of a new haven was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Transformers, a saga that would be told for generations to come.
In the endless expanse of the universe, where tales of heroism and conquest ebbed and flowed like the tides of time, the story of Optimus Prime and the legacy of Cybertron burned bright, a star that would never fade.